
music makes me feel alive.

it's like, when your insides just feel like they are going to burst with joy, freedom, or sweet relief.

when the sun is pushing through the clouds in the dead of winter.

when you make a deep, life connection with someone.

it's when i have these moments,
these snatches of life,
when no words or actions can explain or do justice to the feelings i have inside,
that i long to share life with people.
with someone.

and im thankful to God, that He can see and understand and feel and relate to all the joy and the pain and the contentment and the longing.
and not just for me.
but for us.
for all of us.

i just recently heard the song, God of this city.
and there are these two lines in the song that i just cant get enough of.

:For greater things have yet to come
And greater things are still to be done in this City :

this makes my heart soar.
the HOPE of the gospel message.
in Ostrava. in Barcelona. in Houston. in Kansas City.
in every single city, in every single country, in this world.
no matter how big or small.

and that is the TRUTH.
and i want to be a part of that.

1 comment:

A Little bit said...

I miss you ASh! I love you so much no matter how far apart we may be!