last weekend was spent away in the mountains for a film weekend. this was a combination of young life, fishnet teachers and the local CB church youth. it was a great time to get away, enjoy each other, and watch some movies. after three of the movies we had discussions in small groups, and everything went over really well.
a view from our cottage:
i was able to get some insight into the way czech high school girls think and process things, to talk about themes such as honor, good and evil, and sacrifice that were present in the movies that we watched, and to figure out which of these things are important to them.
here is a pic of katka, gabka and wendy from the weekend:
it was also kind of my first big event since ive been here, so i was able to observe how the leadership team works together, and try to figure out where i can fit into that.
the beginning of this week was also really great. i think i am getting more use to life in the czech republic. everything is pretty familiar, and i have kind of a schedule established, which is nice. im also able to hang out with high school girls a lot, which is really a blessing. AND i went to an english class in a basic school here. i will be able to start helping out in a teachers class probably twice a week, which is really exciting.
but then mid-week i think i got kind of upset.
like i began to realize and remember all the things i miss from home. and by things i mostly mean people.
and i just felt like i am missing out on so many relationships and so much life, and it just really made my heart hurt a lot.
i had a really good talk with my friend about how God wants us to love people wherever we are. and maybe God is trying to show me that i can love people and cultivate community here also. and i realized that i havent been as open or willing to let people here in, mostly because i dont think they are as good as my friends from home. which totally isnt true, and i just need to recognize that different doesnt mean worse.
my friends jonna and laura. i like them.
i also have this really great quote from anne lamott in traveling mercies.
its talking about music, and relationships, and i like it.
"we're walking temples of noise, and when you add tender hearts to this mix, it somehow lets us meet in places we couldn't get to any other way."
anyway, i could go on forever, but now that i have internet i will be able to post more often!
cau cau.
What's up, I haven't visited your blog in a while. It's good to hear that you are getting settled out the in Chech#*(*$hfkia (I realize that you have it spelled out in your blog title, but I can never spell it right, so I thought that would be funny.). Happy Belated Birthday too!
hey ashbrown smashface!!! it's so good to read about how you are doing over there...i hope you had a great birthday! we love you and look forward to reading more about your experiences.
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