
i need an outlet.
not really for other people, but for myself.
i feel like i am constantly in the midst of this internal struggle. like i want people to know me, i want to love people, but its like im never satisfied with relationships. i have this vision for something great, but i just cant get there.
i was talking to my friend andy about community, and he asked the simply question of why? why do you need to share your stuff with people?
it kind of caught me off guard. my immediate response would have been something like, because you are supposed to, or its good for you, or its how we are called to live, but then i realized all those answers were pretty vague and offered no "real" support to the idea of community...
i guess the reason why i think community is so important is because i know that i can not live this life on my own. theres no way i can make it, theres no way i can remain focused, that i can concentrate on whats true and right, that i can figure stuff out without the help, questions, support and guidance from other people.

so i need community to survive.
and in all honesty, i think we all need community to survive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.